What is happening to our civil liberties?

It’s been a year since I wrote this post about the problems in New Orleans in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.

I think it’s very relevant today as much of the nation thinks back to September 11, 2001.

At the time I hadn’t thought about the connection between the two events even though I was writing my comments on 9/11 but in light of our steadily eroding liberties as we travel the skies I have to wonder just how far things will go before we say "stop!"

The terrorists are winning and as a group we’re not doing enough to get our leaders to realize that the more restrictions they place on the the law-abiding citizenry, the more the terrorists achieve their aims of making us all afraid.

Continue reading What is happening to our civil liberties?

Is the Usa Becoming a Police State?

Just to make things clear, I blame Bush (dubya) and his politically appointed cronies for the situation in NOLA.

It’s a horrible situation that while not completely avoidable could have been handled differently beginning with preparations that should have begun years ago.

The question that’s been growing in my mind since 9/11 is "are we slowly and inexoribly moving towards a complete police state under Bush?" For that matter, has this been happening for decades and I just haven’t noticed? To me it seems that the we really started to lose our basic rights with the creation of Homeland Security.

Continue reading Is the Usa Becoming a Police State?