Great racing clouds of glory


Perfect for staying home, in a hammock, drinking run runners, being transported to a beach in my head.

Stupid work. I don’t know why they won’t pay me to stay home and stare at clouds all day.

These clouds are moving really fast but since I didn’t post a video you’ll have to rock back and forth to simulate the effect. Trust me, it totally works.

SPOD: 011113 Glass Sky

Glorious sunrise this morning followed by more gloriousness while I was driving in (blinding golds and yellows reflecting off the clouds) and as I’m turning away from my car to walk into work I see this.  “Ooooh, that’s interesting.” and pull out my camera.  Next time I’ll get out the tripod too.  It’s difficult to get bracketed shots by hand.

SPOD: 010913 Wet Garage

Sky Picture Of the Day.  Here’s a try at getting some good grey sky.  I may have to update  this after I master working with masks in Gimp (or succumb to downloading the free version of Photoshop that’s recently become available and master those masks).  The point of these posts wasn’t my mastery of Gimp so this one’s going online as-is.

Alright, here’s the final.  Learned a bit more about Gimp and have pulled additional detail from the clouds.