Dash cookies!


Since the wine tasting is off for today (thanks loads txdot! Not!) I’m going to make dash cookies!

I left the cookies in the car for almost three hours…

and they slowly melted and

A couple merged together at which point I leveled out the pan.

And by the end I had some yummy cookies and a great smelling car.

Next time I won’t use a pan with an air gap.  The bottoms were a bit gooey.  We still any another couple of months of Summer here in TX so I’ll have another chance to try this.

SPOD: 011113 Glass Sky

Glorious sunrise this morning followed by more gloriousness while I was driving in (blinding golds and yellows reflecting off the clouds) and as I’m turning away from my car to walk into work I see this.  “Ooooh, that’s interesting.” and pull out my camera.  Next time I’ll get out the tripod too.  It’s difficult to get bracketed shots by hand.

Interesting things – Hoard much?

I had a day off recently so Susan and I went to see Harry Potter. After parking in the parking garage *gasp* I noticed that the car next to ours looked odd. I then saw that it was overflowing with crap.

The front seat was just as full.

Technorati : car, harry potter, hoard, hoarder, movie
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Interesting things – Wandering Bee Colony

On the way to the Denton Arts and Jazz Festival I noticed a cloud of bees above the car as we pulled out of the alley.

We stopped for a bit and watched the bees fly about for a moment. It wasn’t clear if they were forming a hive anywhere near but we figured they must be.

On returning home we saw the colony in a neighbors tree.

The neighbors weren’t home but I expect the bees will move on tomorrow. If not we’ll be calling a beekeeper to find them a new place to live.

Technorati : bees, swarm
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