I’ve been working on a penguin layout for several weeks now and finally got a good scene combined with the right lighting.
March of the Penguins was the obvious inspiration.
I’ve been working on a penguin layout for several weeks now and finally got a good scene combined with the right lighting.
March of the Penguins was the obvious inspiration.
While working on a penguin-gram this morning I spent some time and put together a new layout for the Flying Spaghetti Monster hologram.
I spent some time making some spaghetti-grams to send out and thought a picture would be nice. I made three this morning and they all came out great. Now I just need to make one for myself.
Continue reading When Monsters Attack!
Last night I "finished" my entry for the latest Holography Forum PCG hologram contest and while I’m not really done with the hologram at least I was finished enough to make a showing in the contest
Continue reading Flat Cats
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has blessed us with a visitation!
Even though I’ve only recently been made aware of the true nature of the creation of the universe, my enthusiasm for FSMism has clearly been noted by the Flying Spaghetti Monster as he’s appeared to me while I was working on a hologram.
I’ve been working on a commission from a co-worker for a bit now and the last few days have been spent doing tests (I generally manage to get one in a day during the week) of new bleaches and color swelling.
[originally posted Apr 6, 2005]
[edited Apr 8 to add green version]
Last week Andres came over to make use of my master layout (he had his table set up for copies and really didn’t want to tear it down) to make a Jesus-gram.
[first posted on 3/30/2005, final H2 added 4/2/2005]
Continue reading Jesus!
As others are aware, it took way too long to finish (partly because I was being over-ambitious in what I wanted to do and partly because it was an open-ended “artistic” endeavor) but the PCGG-II hand-off hologram is complete and in the Padiyar’s possession.
Continue reading PCGG-II hand-off hologram
Today Andres Ghisays (who was born in Columbia) will become a US citizen. He’s off this morning to be sworn in and in honor of this occasion I’ve created a hologram just for him.
[model shot added on 4/2/2005] Continue reading Welcome our newest US citizen… Andres Ghisays