Walking Asheville – Mountain To Sea Trail

What? You say you can’t leave your house because of the virus?

Come walk along with us in this seventh installment of Walking Asheville as we walk from the Folk Art Center south and back along the Mountain To Sea (MST) trail. This was going to be a two part walk but our gopro flaked out and we lost an hour of the walk in the middle.

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00:08:14 Huge dogwood
00:12:56 MST!
00:13:32 gnome hole
00:17:36 TRASH!
00:18:23 Lost jacket?
00:19:32 Russula Mushroom
00:21:14 More Russula Mushrooms!
00:23:59 Crossing the Parkway
00:24:58 Raptured?
00:26:53 More mushrooms!
00:28:01 Going over Tunnel Rd
00:28:55 Dogwood!
00:30:22 yep, this is the right way
00:33:23 Abandoned camp
00:34:32 Another abandoned camp
00:35:36 Mayapple
00:37:48 Slime Mold
00:40:09 What?
00:40:48 Poison Ivy
00:42:23 Stick plant
00:44:33 Marker
00:49:46 camera glitch
00:50:01 Werms
00:55:42 Squirrel face off
00:56:36 Fungus!
00:57:22 Folk center
01:01:03 plaque
01:01:39 To Bull Mountain
01:02:29 Flowers
01:04:40 Gnarly tree
01:08:17 Brackets!
01:10:19 Lady Slipper

Camera used was a GoPro Hero 8 Black
Stabilizer is a Feiyutech A1000 gimbal

Look for more travel stories at https://dragonseye.com/blog/category/greatwander/

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The music used is Tupelo Train by Chris Haugen, The Twister by Dan Lebowitz, Beth by VYEN, Fresh Fallen Snow by Chris Haugen, Morning Mandolin by Chris Haugen
available from Google https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music

Fonts used are Lobster Regular from https://fonts.google.com/


Published by

Michael Harrison

Husband, Programmer, Irish dancer, tinkerer, astronomer, layabout (as much as possible)

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