Social Dancing At NTIF 13 – 2016

We’ve reached 2015 in the series of posts leading up to the 2016 North Texas Irish Festival. This is last year before this year!  What will we show after this post?  No matter what’s next, even if you don’t dance, come out and cheer on the dancers!

If you’re on Facebook, add the workshop and ceili events to your calendar.

First up we had the afternoon workshop with a couple of two-hand dances followed by the Camp Set.

2015 dance workshop with Susan and Michael Harrison

Music for the evening ceili was again provided by the wonderful Lone Star Ceili Band.

2015 ceili band

Come on out to the Emerald stage in the Tower building for the dance workshop on Saturday at 1pm and again for the ceili at 7pm-ish.

If you’d like to see tons of pictures and video from past festival workshop and ceili’s, head over here.

Published by

Michael Harrison

Husband, Programmer, Irish dancer, tinkerer, astronomer, layabout (as much as possible)

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