Holograms under a microscope

While giving a talk about holography to a school group recently I mentioned that one could look at a hologram through a microscope and see what you’d see with the original subject.

Since I’ve got an Intel QX3 microscope I decided to capture a few images.

The first was my in-progress Dolmen hologram.

This image is at 10x magnification.

Unfortunately the images at 60x and 200x aren’t so hot and I couldn’t get the holograms close enough to get the images in focus. This microscope doesn’t have the most expensive optics around so images at higher resolutions aren’t great.

Here’s an attempt at 60x on the stone.

Followed by 10x images of a sand dollar

a Minas Tirith

and a gold coin

Published by

Michael Harrison

Husband, Programmer, Irish dancer, tinkerer, astronomer, layabout (as much as possible)

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